星期一, 9月 17, 2012

Cycling Day :D

Picture first  ♥
Waiting other in toilet :P

Band gathering?HAHA 


同座`siao lang xD

fetch by him xD

with cy :D

waiting for the car go away 
The girls :)

Welcum sk xD
The bicycle shop`time to return bicycle TT

walk bac to first avenue Tired die D:

He`s Mine :D

with SK :P`16/9/2012
Happy 3 month  ♥

While waiting her mum for 45 min .
The very first time hang out with 4M1 gang`Chin yoh·Zhe ying·Soon Kit·Jia Yi·Eleen·Qiu Peng·Yee Peng :)Really enjoy alot alot  ♥ ♥ ♥  The first time cycling ont the big road.Soo dangerous Walk from first avenue to heritage.The distance actually quite far HAHA.yeng sia xD

Next plan`Round penang xD

Bac to saturday HANG OUT with HECO form 4 :) `15.9.2012

we finish it HAHA!

Expensive lark D:


9 Of us xD

说真的, 一样的地点,和不一样的人在一起 感触真的很不一样,
不需要在意言语,能有话直说的感觉真爽! :D

