星期三, 10月 19, 2011

Trip With 3Bs`

18.10.2011 ♥ Penang Bird Park
Trip after PMR with the whole class was AWESOME ;D
HMm.Juz let the photo talks ")

Our GAng ♥

see no see no xP

acting cute xD

frens forever ♥

3B the best xD

HAppy family ;P

WITH joyce__x)

WITH niki__x)

WITH cheah chien__x)

WITH soon kit__x)

WITH ting jia__x0

movie at JOYCE house xD
For more pictures View HERE X)
♥I want to live in Ur eyes not as a dream but as a sight,
♥I want to live in Ur mind not as an idea but as a memory,
♥I want to live in Ur heart not as blood but as a beat,
♥I want to live in Ur body not as a soul but as a feeling,
♥I want to live in Ur life  not as a lover but as a Reason of living..

