星期六, 8月 18, 2012

Penang heritage one day walk :D

16/8/2012`Photo shooting day 
A tired day but nice woo xD 
Jz see pic ba :P

First station `solo xD

Three girls :)

dinousour :P

The camera men was on the middle of the road LOL

L.O.V.E lane 

From angeline camera thx :)
The five :)`Capture by a tourist
rest rest /.\
pass by the museum


First time went in a churh haha


the fatty xD

Girls :)

my sweat make my hair stick together =-= HAHA

on the way saw a big mirror xD
last station`one pp two bowl nice!xD
so,Say NO to shopping mall HAHA!walking around penang is more better than staying in a shopping mall n doing the same thing .__.
Movie`Eat`Redbox LOL

